A Pannon Express Kft. 2001-ben alakult, 100%-ban magyar tulajdonosi körrel rendelkező vállalkozás, mely igen magas szakmai tapasztalattal bíró munkatársakkal rendelkezik a belföldi és nemzetközi logisztika területén.


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Privacy notice

1. General introduction

The website www.pannonexpress.hu/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), excluding all websites linked to it, is managed by Pannon Express Logisztikai Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (2330 Dunaharaszti, Raktár utca 8.., company registration number: 13-09-130493) (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider"). The purpose of this notice is to enable you to visit the website in a safe manner and to ensure that you are aware of the consequences and rights of providing your personal data. By accessing the Site, you (hereinafter referred to as you and other users as "User(s)") agree to be bound by this legal notice. If you do not agree with the terms of this statement, please do not use the website.

2. Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, copyright or trademark rights in all signs, text, illustrations, moving images, sound, software and other material (hereinafter "uploaded content") on the Site are owned by the Service Provider or are included on the Site with the permission of the respective owner.

Without the prior written consent of the Service Provider, you may not: a) use the website or any of its elements or content for commercial purposes, b) use its content on any online or offline platform other than the website.

Use of content uploaded by Users: Pursuant to Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (the Copyright Act), by accepting these terms of use, a contract of use is concluded between the User and the Service Provider in respect of the content protected by copyright and uploaded by the User, according to which by uploading such content the User grants the Service Provider an exclusive licence to use it without any time or territorial limitation.

The User acknowledges that he/she is the author of the Uploaded Content made available by him/her on the Website, or has the right to upload, publish and use the Uploaded Content. By uploading the Content, the User agrees that the Service Provider may use the works, exploit them, take action against infringers and transfer the rights of use. The User expressly and irrevocably waives any right to any remuneration in connection with the use by accepting these Terms of Use.

The right of use shall include, but not be limited to, the management, storage, copying, modification, distribution, communication to the public, publication, reproduction, editing, translation, formatting, adaptation of the content. The licences of use granted to the Service Provider shall not be affected by the termination of the use of the service.

The licensed rights of use also cover content that has been deleted in the meantime but archived by the Service Provider. The Service Provider informs the User that the rights to use the copyrighted material have been withdrawn in accordance with Art. The Service Provider may modify or delete the Uploaded Content in any way without prior notice if it violates applicable Hungarian law or is contrary to public morality or simply does not fit in with the community of the Website. Users who upload offensive content or who are deemed by the Service Provider to be behaving in a manner not in accordance with the expected behaviour on the Site may be banned from the Site by the Service Provider without prior notice.

3. Exclusion of liability

The website is for information purposes only. The Service Provider does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the content of the Site, nor does the Service Provider guarantee the uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Site.

The website may also contain links to websites operated by third parties. The Service Provider has no control over the content and data management practices of such websites, and is therefore not responsible for the content of such websites or any other links to other websites from such websites. The Service Provider does not recommend or endorse the content of any third party websites accessible from the Website or any products or services advertised on such websites. The User acknowledges that access to these third party websites is at the sole risk of the User.

The Service Provider is not responsible for messages and content posted by visitors. If the Service Provider becomes aware that an opinion, comment or other content violates the rights of third parties, the applicable Hungarian legislation or public morality, it may immediately remove the content in question and claim compensation from the person who posted the content for the damage caused.

The User bears the sole risk of accessing or using the Website. The Service Provider excludes, to the maximum extent permitted by law, its warranty and liability in connection with the use of the Website.

The Service Provider is entitled to edit, modify or remove the uploaded content at its discretion. The Service Provider may modify any content of the Website at any time without prior notice. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such modification.
The Service Provider is not responsible for updating any content on the Website.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Service Provider excludes all liability for any material or non-material damage, costs and other legal consequences arising from the use of any content displayed on or accessible through the Website.

4. Information on data management

Data processed: in case of a request, e-mail address, first name, surname, date of consent

Purpose of data management: to maintain a database of user enquiries and comments in order to increase customer satisfaction and customer base

Legal basis for processing: consent of the data subject
Duration of processing: one month
Method of data processing: electronic
Electronic storage location: Unas Online Ltd.

Right of access: employees of the data controller and data processor whose job duties include the operation and management of the site

Data Controller: Pannon Express Logistics Service Provider Limited Liability Company, Service Provider.

Data processor: Gábor András Balla

The Service Provider undertakes to ensure that all data processing in relation to its activities complies with the requirements set out in this Policy and the applicable legislation. The Service Provider shall use the personal data necessary for the provision of its services on the basis of the consent of the data subjects and only for the purposes for which they are intended.

By providing his/her e-mail address and other data, the User accepts responsibility for the fact that he/she is the only one using the service from the e-mail address and using the data provided.
The User represents and warrants that he/she is at least 16 years of age or, in the absence of such age, that his/her legal guardian has authorized the use of the Website.

The personal data of a person under the age of 16 may be processed only with the consent of the person who has parental authority. The Service Provider is not able to verify the eligibility of the person giving consent or the content of his/her declaration, so the User or the person having parental authority over him/her guarantees that the consent is in accordance with the law. In the absence of a declaration of consent, the Service Provider shall not collect personal data relating to data subjects under the age of 16, with the exception of the IP address, which is automatically recorded due to the nature of the Internet services.

The Service Provider treats personal data confidentially and takes all security, technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of the data. In the field of information security, the Service Provider shall use the most effective and up-to-date tools and procedures reasonably available, and shall design and implement data processing operations in such a way as to ensure the protection of the privacy of the data subjects.
While using the site, we may generate automatically generated data that we do not personally request. This may include the search term used on the site, your browser type or IP address. This data is processed anonymously, excluding the personal identification of individual users.

Data is stored on the server for up to one month. Legal basis for processing: voluntary consent of the individual concerned.
The Service Provider places a small data packet, a so-called cookie, on the user's computer in order to provide a personalized service. By using the websites, the user accepts that the service provider places a cookie on his/her computer. We use the following cookies on our website:
The User can delete the cookie from his/her computer or set his/her browser to disable the use of cookies.

As an intermediary, the Service Provider may ensure that third parties cooperating with the Service Provider, in particular Google Inc., store cookies during the visit of the websites if the user has previously visited the Service Provider's website and may display an advertisement to the user on this basis.

You can disable the cookies set by Google by going to the page where you can opt out of being served ads by Google (http://www.google.hu/privacy_ads.html).

Disabling or deleting cookies may make the use of the websites more inconvenient for the user!

There are service providers with which we do not have a legal relationship or do not cooperate with in relation to the processing, but they may be able to identify the User through the User's cooperation (e.g. by connecting his/her individual account to the Service). Such service providers may include, but are not limited to, Facebook Ireland LTD, Google LLC, Instagram LLC, Infogram Software Inc, PayPal Holdings Inc, Pinterest Europe Ltd, Playbuzz Ltd, Twitter International Company, Viber Media LLC, Vimeo INC, YouTube LLC, who process personal data in accordance with their own privacy policies

4.4 Remarketing

Remarketing is a feature that allows a website to show ads to users who have previously visited the site that may be of interest to them. Remarketing code uses cookies to tag visitors. If a user disables remarketing cookies, they will not receive personalised offers.

Users authorize the controller to use Google Analytics, Google Remarketing, AdWords Conversion Tracking, and Facebook Remarketing.

Google Remarketing
In addition to the usual data from Google Analytics, the Data Controller also collects data from the DoubleClick cookie by using the Google Remarketing program. The DoubleClick cookie is used to use the remarketing service, which primarily ensures that visitors to the Website are subsequently exposed to the Controller's advertisements in free Google advertising spaces. The Controller uses Google Remarketing for its online advertising. The Data Controller's advertisements are also displayed on websites by external service providers, such as Google. The Data Controller and third party service providers, such as Google, use their own cookies (such as Google Analytics cookies) and third party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to track users' previous visits to the website and to optimise and display advertisements.

Google AdWords conversion tracking
The purpose of Google AdWords conversion tracking is to enable the Data Controller to measure the effectiveness of AdWords advertising. This is done by using cookies placed on the User's computer
which exists for 30 days and does not collect personal data.

Facebook Remarketing
The Data Controller uses the Facebook remarketing pixel to increase the effectiveness of Facebook ads for the purpose of building a remarketing list. This allows third-party service providers, such as Facebook, to display ads on internet web pages after a visit to the Website. Remarketing lists are not personally identifiable. They do not contain any personal data of the visitor, they only identify the browser software.

5. Data security

The data controller shall, in the course of processing, preserve: integrity and confidentiality: protect information so that only those who are entitled to have access to it have access to it, protect the accuracy and completeness of the information and the method of processing;

availability: ensuring that when the authorised user needs it, he or she can actually access the information and has the means to do so.

The servers serving the websites of the data controller are located at the Unas Online Ltd. storage location Electronic messages transmitted over the Internet, regardless of the protocol (e-mail, web, ftp, etc.) are vulnerable to network threats that could lead to fraudulent activity, contract disputes, or disclosure or modification of information.

The service provider will take all reasonable precautions to protect you from such threats. It will monitor systems to ensure that any security discrepancies are recorded and evidence of any security incidents is available. System monitoring also allows the effectiveness of the precautions taken to be checked.

The data controller shall select and operate its software and IT tools in such a way that the data processed:- is accessible to those authorised to access it (availability);- is authentic and verifiable (authenticity of data processing);- is verifiable as unalterable (data integrity);- is protected against unauthorised access (data confidentiality). The controller shall ensure that the security of processing is protected by technical, organisational and organisational measures which provide a level of protection appropriate to the risks associated with the processing.

Both the Service Provider's and the Processor's IT systems and networks are protected against computer fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire and flood, computer viruses, computer intrusions and denial of service attacks. The Service Provider shall ensure security through server-level and application-level protection procedures.

Electronic messages sent over the Internet are vulnerable to network threats.

The Service Provider will take all reasonable precautions against such threats, but it is common knowledge that the Internet is not 100% secure, as users are aware. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage caused by an unprotected attack, despite the utmost care.

6. Users' rights

The User (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Subject") whose personal data is processed by the Service Provider in connection with the Website has the following rights:

The data subject may at any time request information on the processing of his or her personal data, the current processing, rights and guarantees, in particular the identity of the controller, the processor, the legal basis, the purpose, the duration of the processing, the place of storage, data security measures.

At the request of the data subject, the Service Provider shall provide information on its activities related to data management and data transfers.
The Service Provider shall provide the information in writing in an intelligible form within a reasonably short period of time from the date of the request, but not more than 30 days. 

The information is free of charge if the applicant has not yet submitted an information request to the data controller for the same activity or data subject in the same year.

In other cases, the Service Provider will charge a fee and provide the information after the fee has been paid.

Right of access:
Users may request information about the processing of their personal data. Requests for information sent by e-mail shall be considered authentic by the Data Controller only if they are sent from the e-mail address provided by the User, including the User's consent to data processing. At the request of the data subject, the controller shall provide information on the data processed by the data subject or by a processor to whom the data subject has delegated the processing, the source of the data, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, the activities of the processor in relation to the processing and, in the case of transfer of the data subject's personal data, the legal basis and the recipient of the transfer. The request for information should be sent by e-mail to fnadudvari@pannonexpress.hu. The Service Provider is obliged to provide the information in writing in an intelligible form, within the shortest possible time from the date of the request, but not later than 10 days, at the request of the data subject.

Right to rectification:
In the event of a data change or incorrect data recording, the data subject may request the rectification or correction of the data processed. In the event of a confirmed data change or confirmed incorrect recording, the controller shall correct the incorrect data within two working days. The request for rectification should be sent by e-mail to fnadudvari@pannonexpress.hu. The Service Provider is obliged to carry out the correction within the shortest possible time from the date of the request, but not later than 10 days.

Right to erasure:
In the case of data processing based on non-compulsory data provision, the data subject may request the erasure of his or her processed data. The opinion of a lawyer should be sought on the lawfulness of the erasure. Where erasure is mandatory under the applicable law, erasure shall be carried out within five working days and reasonable steps, including technical measures, shall be taken to ensure that the data are erased from the records of the Service Provider and from the records of any other data controllers.

Right to restriction of processing
The data subject may request the restriction of his or her personal data processed where there are adequate grounds for doing so. The opinion of a lawyer should be sought as to whether the restriction is justified. Where erasure is mandatory under the applicable legislation, the restriction must be carried out within one working day.

Right to data portability

In the case of data stored on a computer device, the data subject is entitled to receive the personal data relating to him or her that he or she has provided to the Service Provider in a commonly used machine-readable format, provided that the processing is based on voluntary consent.
The Data Controller shall compensate any damage caused to another party by unlawful processing of the data subject's data or by breach of data security requirements. The Controller shall also be liable to the data subject for any damage caused by the processor.

In case of unlawful data processing, you can go to court or lodge a complaint with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:
Headquarters: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c
Postal address: 1534 Budapest, PO Box 834
Phone: +36 (1) 391-1400
Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410
E-mail: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu

7. Other provisions

The Service Provider reserves the right to modify and change these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy in the future without prior notice, but undertakes to publish and disclose them. By using the Service after the effective date of the amendment, the User accepts the amended Privacy Policy.
